What is Exercise Science

Education should be exercise; it has become massage – Martin H. Fischer

Fischer was a writer who undoubtedly spent a good amount of time sitting down to work. Our society has eliminated huge swaths of jobs that involved frequent movement and exercise, and in their place expects people to spend more of their lives inactive. Capitalism and consumption are changing the world, and the changes often prioritize people spending vast amounts of their lives sitting at work, driving between places, and generally existing in a sedentary, static state. It’s not natural for us, and we suffer through it differently. Some people lean in to it, eating food that’s bad for them, not exercising, and their bodies and minds suffer through lifestyles they were often coerced into.

These trends have created a powerful reaction.

Everywhere you look, people are trying to take care of themselves. What began in America in the 60’s as a response to the limitations of social change has developed into a multi-billion dollar business. It takes many forms (nutrition, exercise, therapy, sports), but its core reflects a very relatable, growing human need. In the absence of a clear path to impact the world, people want to take control of what can be controlled: their bodies, and their health.

So how do you fit in? What is exercise science?

Exercise Science is the study and application of the relationships between fitness, exercise, diet and health. At Sports Management Degree Hub we examine a broad cross-section of degrees that pertain to health, fitness, coaching, sports medicine, nutrition, education, kinesiology, management, sports psychology and much more. We prioritize online programs, because they often let people earn degrees with greater acceleration, flexibility and frugality, while still offering quality instruction. If you choose an online degree in one of the many subsets of exercise science, we’ll help you pick one that you can realistically complete, that saves you money in tuition, housing and related fees, as well as a program that you can complete without neglecting your existing responsibilities.

Here is our full compliment of academic rankings for degrees within the multi-faceted world of online education in exercise, health, sports and well-being. It’s a great place to start your search or satisfy some curiosities about an education in exercise science. Speaking of which:

What Does Someone with an Exercise Science Degree Do?

Working in Exercise Science can take many forms. Especially if you’re just starting to consider the field, there’s an ocean of career opportunities that it encompasses. Some of the things people working in exercise science do include:

Jobs in Exercise Science

There are lots of careers within the umbrella of exercise science, but here are a few desirable ones. The first three can be entered with a Bachelor’s degree, while the last two require advanced degrees. To see what programs exist that prepare you for these roles, check out our full compliment of exercise science rankings.

  • Dietitian: in this role you’ll supervise the food-service operations for a client, hospital, school, or other organization. You may also consult, research and advocate for healthy nutrition habits. The average salary for these roles is $58,140, with the 90th percentile making over $77,000. annually.
  • Health Coach: you might work one-on-one with clients, in education, or in other settings. You’ll teach people about obesity, smoking, physical activity, stress management and much more. The average salary for these roles is over $55,000.
  • Athletic Trainer: here you’ll treat injuries suffered through training and sport, educate athletes on preventative measures for injuries, exercise, and rehabilitate the injured. You might work for a school, a sport team, hospital, clinic or in other settings. The average salary for these roles is $46,940.
  • Sports Psychologist: With advanced degrees, you can work as a sports psychologist, caring for the inner athlete at all levels of competition. The average salary for these roles is $71,803.

Qualities of Successful Exercise Science Professionals

  • A love of movement, exercise and self-improvement.
  • The will to inspire that love in others.
  • Natural empathy, sympathy and caring for other people, even when they are difficult, stressed and discouraged.
  • Trustworthiness and the ability to put others at ease.
  • An ongoing commitment to physical and mental fitness exhibited through exercise, healthy eating and a compassionate demeanor. In these roles you are always leading someone, and setting an example through your own behavior goes a long way in that pursuit.

Degrees in Exercise Science

If you’re intrigued and want to build a career in Exercise Science, it’s going to take time, dedication and study. A degree isn’t everything, but it will give you invaluable knowledge, skills, and is a clear message to the world (and employers) that you know what you’re talking about and doing. If you want to help people through exercise science, an online degree can be a bridge to doing so. Here are some top degrees that we’ve ranked at Sport Management Degree Hub in the macro field of exercise science and its related disciplines. These rankings specifically deal with affordability within sports management degrees: